Maisy’s Room

Maisy’s Room


Drama and Musical/Performing Arts
2 hrs. 33 min. Ray is the musical biographical drama of American legend Ray Charles. Born in a poor town in Georgia, Ray Charles went blind at the age of seven shortly after witnessing his younger brother's accidental death. Inspired by a fiercely independent mother who insisted he make his own way in the world, Charles found his calling and his gift behind a piano keyboard. Touring across the Southern musical circuit, the soulful singer gained a reputation and then exploded with worldwide fame when he pioneered incorporating gospel, country, jazz and orchestral influences into his inimitable style. As he revolutionized the way people appreciated music, he simultaneously fought segregation in the very clubs that launched him and championed artists' rights within the corporate music business. "Ray" provides an portrait of Charles' musical genius as he overcomes drug addiction while transforming into one of this country's most beloved performers.
Release Date: October 29th, 2004 (wide).

解説: 2004年6月11日に亡くなった“ソウルの神様”と呼ばれたレイ・チャールズが音楽で成功を収めるまでの心の葛藤を真実に基づいて描いた人間ドラマ。レイを演じるのは、『コラテラル』のマックス役の演技が記憶に新しいジェイミー・フォックス。まるでレイ・チャールズが乗り移ったかのような熱演ぶりは必見。

ストーリー: 17歳のレイ・チャールズ・ロビンソン(ジェイミー・フォックス)は、バスでシアトルに向かおうとしていた。黒人はバスの席が隔離されていた時代に、目の見えないレイはバスの運転手にバカにされ、暴言を吐かれる。

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